In Safe Hands Training | First Aid & Health and Safety Courses Cornwall



“Imitation of a situation or process for the purpose of study”

The In Safe Hands virtual reality tour gives you a peek at our purpose-built training facility that takes training out of the classroom and provides you with a practical ‘real-life’ simulated experience!

We use special effects in multiple environments, ensuring learning is completed through hands-on experience and is delivered by our industry professionals. The experience is brought to life by exceptionally ‘real’ looking simbodies, our top of the range resources with life-like anatomy, that talks, breathes and screams. The space includes a road traffic collision, an ambulance scene, a bedroom, a bathroom, a living room, a kitchen and a street scene.

If you are looking for First Aid, First Response Emergency Care or Health and Safety training in Cornwall, or the wider UK, we are right here.

Enjoy the tour…

First Aid Training Courses
Health and Safety Courses
Food Safety Courses
The Care Sector
Children's Courses
Education and Training
First Response Emergency Care