5 Essential Steps To Ensure Pool Safety
Its vital that you have confidence in your pool safety set-up!
The useful steps below will prompt you to look at what you have and ask yourself if you are confident in what you have in place.
If you are uncertain contact us here!
Risk Assessment
A written document to identify how staff and guests may be harmed while in your pool/pool area and the processes in place to minimise the risk.
Pool Safety Operating Procedures
The PSOP’s respond to the findings of your risk assessment.
It needs to include the daily routine of opening times, rules, guest communications, water quality checks, cleaning rotas etc.
It should also include an Emergency Action Plan.
Emergency Action Plan
List the kinds of emergencies that could happen and identify exactly how they would be managed. Who does what, when, where and how? Examples: In pool rescue, major first aids poolside, gas leak, fire alarm.
Should be focused on meeting the requirements identified in your risk assessment and ideally supported by recognized qualifications. Depending on your findings, you may need lifeguards or emergency responders.
Regularly, periodically and definitely after an incident, have a look at your operational systems and procedures, ideally including relevant personnel and ask if it is still fit for purpose.
And again… if you are uncertain about your processes contact us!
Tel: 0844 800 9902
Email: info@insafehandstraining.com